
Kedu nhazi nke moto induction nwere?


Ntọala ntọala nke moto induction:

1. Basic Ọdịdị nke otu-phase asynchronous moto
Moto asynchronous nke otu nkeji bụ moto nke chọrọ naanị ọkụ ọkụ AC otu nkeji. Single-adọ asynchronous moto mejupụtara stator, rotor, agba, casing, ọgwụgwụ cover, wdg The stator mejupụtara a etiti na ígwè isi na windings. Isi ígwè bụ nke silicon ígwè Ibé akwụkwọ ọkpọ na laminated na grooves. Ụdị windings abụọ (nke a na-akpọkwa windings na-agba ọsọ) na windings inyeaka (nke a na-akpọkwa ịmalite windings na-eme windings inyeaka) oghere 90° iche na-agbanye n'ime oghere. A na-ejikọta ikuku isi na ọkụ ọkụ AC, na ntinye aka na-ejikọta ya na usoro na centrifugal switch S ma ọ bụ mmalite capacitor, capacitor na-agba ọsọ, wdg, wee jikọọ ya na ọkụ ọkụ. Rotor bụ ihe nkedo aluminom rotor ụdị ọnụ. A na-ekpuchi isi ígwè ahụ wee tụba aluminom n'ime oghere nke isi ígwè. A na-atụbakwa mgbanaka ngwụcha ọnụ iji mee mkpụmkpụ rotor ntụ ntụ n'ime ụdị squirrel-cage.
A na-ekewa moto asynchronous nke otu-phase n'ime otu ụzọ nguzogide-mbido asynchronous Motors, otu-phase capacitor-amalite asynchronous motors, otu-phase capacitor-na-agba ọsọ asynchronous Motors na otu-phase dual-value capacitor asynchronous motors.

2.Basic Ọdịdị nke atọ-phase asynchronous moto
Asynchronous moto nke nwere agba atọ mejupụtara stator, rotor na bearings. The stator bụ tumadi esịnede iron isi, atọ-phase winding, frame na ọgwụgwụ cover. A na-akụ stator isi n'ozuzu ya na laminated site na 0.35 ~ 0.5 mm nnukwu silicon ígwè mpempe akwụkwọ nwere mkpuchi mkpuchi n'elu. Enwere oghere ndị kesara n'ụzọ dabara adaba n'ime okirikiri nke isi iji tinye windings stator. Igwe ikuku nke atọ bụ nke nwere windings atọ nwere otu ihe a na-etinye na 120° iche na ibe ya ma hazie ya n'ụzọ dị nro. A na-etinye eriri igwe ọ bụla nke windings ndị a na oghere ọ bụla nke stator dịka iwu ụfọdụ siri dị. Ọrụ ya bụ ịgafe n'ụzọ atọ na-agbanwe agbanwe ugbu a wee mepụta oghere ndọta na-atụgharị. A na-ejikarị ígwè nkedo eme ihe ndabere. A na-ejikarị efere ígwè welded ntọala nke nnukwu moto asynchronous. A na-eji aluminom nkedo mee ntọala micro Motors. Ọrụ ya bụ iji dozie isi stator na n'ihu na azụ azụ iji kwado rotor, ma na-ekere òkè na nchebe na ikpo ọkụ ọkụ. Enwere ọgịrịga na-ekpo ọkụ na-ekpo ọkụ n'èzí nke isi nke moto ahụ a na-emechi emechi iji mee ka ebe ikpo ọkụ na-ekpo ọkụ. Mkpuchi njedebe na nsọtụ abụọ nke isi nke moto a na-echebe nwere oghere ventilashị iji mee ka ikuku ikuku dị n'ime na n'èzí moto ahụ dị mfe iji mee ka ikpo ọkụ ọkụ. Ihe mkpuchi njedebe na-arụ ọrụ nke idozi rotor, ịkwado na ichebe ya. Ihe mejupụtara rotor na-abụkarị nke isi igwe na windings.

A na-eme isi rotor nke otu ihe dị ka stator. A na-akụ ya ma kechie ya site na mpempe ọla silicon gbara ọkpụrụkpụ 0.5 mm. A na-akụ oghere dị n'èzí nke mpempe akwụkwọ silicon nchara na oghere kesara nke ọma maka idowe windings rotor. Ọtụtụ mgbe, a na-eji okirikiri dị n'ime nke silicon ígwè mpempe akwụkwọ ọkpọchapụrụ na stator core ka a na-eji ntụmadị rotor isi. N'ozuzu, rotor isi nke obere asynchronous Motors na-pịa ozugbo na rotor aro, mgbe rotor isi nke nnukwu na ọkara-sized asynchronous Motors (rotor dayameta bụ ihe karịrị 300 ~ 400 mm) na-enwe na rotor aro aro na-enyemaka nke. ihe nkwado rotor.

Oge nzipu: Jan-16-2024